Last week we reported how Google was once again in court, this time because of the Rocky Mountain Bank who were taking legal action to get Google to reveal the identity of the owner of an email address to which they had mistakenly sent details of 1,325 customers.
In the financial crisis we’re currently in the middle of, this really fills you with confidence in the banks doesn’t it?
In a monumental error, the bank emailed details, including tax ID numbers and loan details, of 1,325 of its customers to someone’s email address; the wrong email address to which they should have been sending something else anyway.
Events like this call for a strong reputation management strategy to minimise the negative effects online, however if you Google ‘Rocky Mountain Bank’ you can find numerous incidents of the story on the front page, highlighting the awful publicity generated by the incident.
The bank won its court case and Google was forced to close down the email account of the person responsible, though it isn’t known if the email had been received, read, printed and acted upon.
Google is appealing the decision and wants to restore the email account because the owner of the email is an innocent party in all of this; the mistake lies with the bank and the employee who created this laughable situation… a situation that is plastered all over the Internet and all over Google.
Rocky Mountain Bank may have won its court case, but its reputation has been irreparably damaged online.